Monthly Archives: August 2010

Delayed, Canceled, Whatever It Is

19 Agustus 2010 saya terbang bersama Mandala dari Jakarta menuju Yogyakarta. Jam keberangkatan saya pukul 9.50 am. Semenjak pesan tiket sebenarnya sudah curious, jangan-jangan saya mengalami delay super menjengkelkan lagi seperti yang pernah saya alami di Balikpapan. Namun, karena saya sudah cinta dengan Mandala, akhirnya kepulangan saya kali ini memilih Mandala. 18 Agustus 2010 saya mendapatkan text message dari Mandala, mengabarkan bahwa pesawat menuju Yogyakarta di reschedule menjadi jam 11.35 am. Well Continue reading


Filed under Miaw's Story

The Padma House

….it has been few weeks..and i forget how to keep the flame burning…

A friend phoned me today, an unexpected call actually in my incredible busy day. She is my teacher, my sister, my debate partner, my best friend. She tell me the truth about me, about everything. Even though it’s hurt, only a true friend would be truly honest and i appreciate it.

I have dreams. We have dreams. However we’re in the middle of some kind of amazing cosmic convergence. Two vastly different worlds. Miraculously crossing paths, I didn’t know how we had managed to make a contact but it happened. When she phoned, she was talking about our plans, our dreams, and how hard we could achieve it. Yeah, it is not easy to achieve something we’ve been dreaming so long. How many have ever failed to achieve something significant in our life. I have paralyzed. I have no spirit like before. I forget how to keep the flame burning inside. I forget my dreams. I forget how to be me.  One thing that made me awake from the deep sleep was when she was talking about the Padma House. Oh yeah, the  Padma House in Northwoods. I remember that…Then suddenly she guided me to flashback. Continue reading

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Filed under Miaw's Story

Have Been Hacked

Minggu, 1 Agustus 2010 adalah hari yang cukup membuat shocked otak saya.  Suatu tindak kejahatan cyber pertama yang saya alami. My facebook account and yahoo have been hacked! Bagaimana saya enggak stress mengetahui bahwa account yahoo saya satu-satunya telah dirubah password nya oleh seseorang. Account itu menyimpan sejumlah alamat email kawan-kawan serta segala informasi scholarship 😦 Pening mendadak, tekanan darah tinggi, serta kejang sejenak (*cukup alay memang untuk penggambaran hiperbolis situasi*) cukup mewarnai awal bulan Agustus saya.

I have reported this situation to facebook team Continue reading


Filed under Miaw's Story, New Experience